Original Neckpiece

Step into Timeless Elegance with Our Classic Neckpiece! This oval-shaped beauty is the cornerstone of the iLoni collection, offering enduring charm and versatile style...
R 880.00
Curve Neckpiece Quick View

Curve Neckpiece

Introducing the Curve Neckpiece - an alluring blend of modern design and elegant simplicity. Make a bold statement with this striking neck piece, featuring...
R 930.00
Flow Neckiece Quick View

Flow Neckiece

Experience timeless elegance with our Flow Neckpiece, a masterpiece seamlessly blending modern aesthetics with sleek sophistication. Its curvy design symbolizes infinite style possibilities and...
R 870.00

Double Original Neckpiece

Elevate your style with our Double Original Neckpiece, a bold and versatile statement piece that effortlessly transitions from day to night. Stand out from...
R 1,430.00
Beadscape Symphony Neckpiece Beadscape Symphony Neckpiece Quick View

Beadscape Symphony Neckpiece

Introducing the Beadscape Symphony Neckpiece—your versatile expression of elegance that elevates your style with modern sophistication and endless possibilities. This true symphony of design...
R 1,320.00

Earthy Elegance Neckpiece

The Earthy Elegance Neck Piece the perfect accessory to add a pop of color and style to any outfit. This beautiful neck piece is...
R 1,200.00

Manyano Neckpiece

The Manyami neckpiece, meaning unite in Xhosa is a part of Iloni’s contemporary jewellery collection focused on the African bead. See beaded jewellery reimagined...
from R 1,550.00

Pearl Rhapsody Neckpiece

Embrace timeless elegance with the Pearl Rhapsody Neckpiece, a sophisticated accessory that seamlessly blends comfort and style. Crafted from smooth silicone cord, this neckpiece...
from R 1,500.00

Milky Way Neckpiece

Discover the versatility of the Milky Way Neckpiece, a long and adaptable accessory designed to transform your look in multiple ways.  Wrap it once...
R 1,500.00

Oasis Neckpiece

Refresh your everyday look with the Oasis Neckpiece, a chic and versatile accessory crafted from durable silicone cord. Featuring five distinctive beads, this neckpiece...
R 950.00

Queen's Gem Neckpiece

Elevate your evening look with the Queen's Gem Neckpiece, a masterful blend of sophistication and edge. Crafted from sleek black latex cord and secured...
from R 1,300.00

Echo Neckpiece

Discover the Echo Neckpiece, where contemporary design meets versatile elegance. Available in bold black and vibrant red, this striking neckpiece is crafted from durable...
R 950.00

We're Passionate
About Quality Craftsmanship

iloni is handmade everyday designer jewellery with a contemporary twist. iloni signature style jewellery is bold, minimal, timeless and elegant with an element of surprise. iloni jewellery is characterised by classic simplicity, understated detail and precise finishes. iloni's distinctive pieces are comfortable and practical to wear.
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